Who am I to tell you?

Who am I to tell you that 2 Norwegian doctors have discovered that there’s poison in the ‘vaccines’. That this has been reported to the Oslo City Court 3 days ago and a press release has been sent to the media. The 2 doctors demand an immediate stop of all injections with c-19 vaccines. (see comments)
Who am I to tell you that the doctor who discovered omicron, Angelique Coetzee tells that she hasn’t seen anyone seriously ill and no-one hospitalized with it? She says the politicians and media have gone into a mad, totally unnecessary frenzy? (see videos in comments).
Who am I to tell you that the media is not bringing truthful correct news?
Who am I to tell you that the CEO of Reuters James C. Smith who responsible for informing the world about the c-19 vaccines is also a board member of pfizer. (see comments)
Who am I to tell you that millions of people are demonstrating on the streets all over the world daily and the media is not showing you?
Who am I to tell you that The World Council for Health Calls for an Immediate Stop to the Covid-19 Experimental “Vaccines” and says there is more than enough evidence to declare the ‘vaccines’ unfit for human use’. (se comments)
Who am I to tell you that The World Council for Health has a free downloadable comprehensive guide to at-home prevention and treatment of Covid-19 written by medical experts? It has all the latest information you need in one place… Symptoms, treating symptoms at home to avoid hospital and diet to support recovery.
Who am I to tell you that Boris Johnson, Anthony Fauci, Bill & Melinda Gates, the CEOS of the vaccine manufacturers and a list of others have allegations against them sent to The International Criminal Court in The Hague. They are charged with numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the UK, but not limited to individuals in these countries (see comments)
Who am I to tell you that when people stop testing themselves the pandemic stops?
Who am I to tell you that deaths have increased by 300% since the jabbing started?
Who am I to tell you that evidence that ‘masks don’t work’ is out there and published? And you’ll find much more information if you use DuckDuckGo browser where there is no censure?
Who am I to tell you that the health authorities haven’t given a single piece of useful advice to citizens to stimulate the immune response under the pandemic?
Who am I to tell you that those behind the narrative know that those that can be lured, shall be lured.
Who am I to tell you I know not one person who has died or been more seriously ill from covid than a bad dose of flu, but I know people who have died from the ‘vaccines’ and many who are seriously injured?
Who am I to tell you that I remember those first horrific scenes on TV when the pandemic was launched, and that I’ve seen no-one drop dead in the streets like that, but a man I know dropped down dead whilst out skiing yesterday, just days after jab nr 3?
Who am I to tell you that when the authorities say what they ‘believe, mean, think, imagine’ is going to happen the opposite happens. None of their predictions happen?
Who am I to tell you that elderly people that want children and young people to test themselves and take the ‘vaccine’ to protect them are self-centred, self-pitying egoists?
Who am I to tell you that of 34 children under 12 that got pfizer jabbed in the trials 24 became seriously ill. And now they are planning to inject it into our children?
Who am I to tell you that a 3 year old girl was jabbed in order to be admitted to kindergarten and she is now dead?
Who am I to tell you that I have psychologist friends and psychiatrists who inform that the narrative is causing serious psychological problems – and that that without doubt must be the goal?
Who am I to tell you that a Norwegian professor of psychology encourage people to be more critical of the measures because it seems the situation is now more of an ‘obedience competition’ amongst citizens. (See comments)
Who am I to tell you that many psychologists and psychiatrists claim that the world is under a spell leading to Mass Delusional Psychosis – and that when they try to speak out they are censored?
Who am I to tell you that an experienced doctor declared this week that messing peoples’ experience of being healthy is dangerous. Further the health authorities and media have created a pandemic reality that is totally out of proportion. (see comments).
Who am I to tell you that never in history has there been such an effective divide and conquer within nations?
Who am I to tell you that a fresh survey this week confirms people know more who have died/are injured from the jab than the virus?
Who am I to tell you that many citizens are suffering so deep sores caused by the divide and conquer propaganda both with friends and family to the degree that they may never be healed?
Who am I to tell you that child rape in Oslo has increased by 50% in 2020/21?
Who am I to tell you that millions of people are dead or injured after following the advice/instruction/orders/coercion from their government to take the jab? (see VAERS)
Who am I to tell you that the PCR test is quietly being withdrawn from the market on 31.12.21? And so far with no media coverage?
Who am I to tell you that the WHO sent out a communication on 21.01.21 instructing all users that the test was unusable without clinical examination of the test person? That the CDC 21.07.21 informed that it was to be withdrawn?
Who am I to tell you that the jabs failed to fit the criteria for vaccines and for that reason the WHO changed the definition of a vaccine?
Who am I to tell you that trusted doctors inform that hospitals in Norway are not full? The government has downsized hospital beds by 50% over the last 40 years whilst population has risen by 1.4 million.
Who am I to tell you that leading scientists tell that those jabbed are the creators and transmitters of variants? And that this knowledge has lead to censure and professional degradation in every possible unethical way.
Who am I to tell you that if and when the digital id passport is in place all aspects of our lives from birth to death will be under total control?
Who am I to tell you that 623 young Norwegian adults and teenagers are seriously injured after taking the advice of the government to take the jab?
Who am I to tell you that reliable sources working in hospitals inform that thousands of women are bleeding heavily and experiencing massive menstrual disorders? (See comments)
Who am I to tell you that an international team of psychiatrists and lawyers have confirmed that governments are using hypnosis, military grade psychological warfare and double-speak (telling something bad’s going to happen but phrasing it as though it’s good) on citizens?
Who am I to tell you that we are heading directly into totalitarianism?
Who am I to tell you that the social credit system is already activated – no regular jabs no freedoms?
Who am I to tell you that I wonder what happened to the common cold – and I think it disappeared with common sense?
Who am I to tell you that I wonder why governments increase electricity, food and fuel prices under a pandemic?
Who am I to tell you that professor cardiologist epidemiologist and virologist had their paper on the hazards of c-jab for children published in the global medical database only to have it removed without reason days before the go ahead was given to experiment on 5-11 yr olds. (see comments)
Who am I to tell you that the main vaccine creator RM (censured/banned) is telling the world that he regrets and urges parents to keep their children away from it.
Who am I to tell you that WHOs Tedros made a slip of the tongue and said ‘some countries are using the vaccines to kill the children’
Who am I to tell you that there are effective treatments that are banned, along with those who advocate them?
Who am I to tell you that The World Health Council is to the most trusted international organization for information, advice and studies on health? Their website has been censured by facebook.
Who am I to tell you that a leading virologist has just made a video declaring that there has been an explosion of soft tissue cancers after the jabbing started.
Who am I to tell you that the same virologist informs that the jabs destroys the immune, the more jabs the more destruction. This in turn will trigger a pandemic of tuberculosis?
Who am I to tell you that the subject of history in schools has become so thinned down over the decades that most people aren’t able to recognize that the greatest crime in history is being repeated – on a much grander scale?
Who am I to tell you that it’s all a malignant lie that whole nations have been hypnotized to believe, and that the 30% who are unhypnotizable apply much more critical thinking and do much more research?
Who am I to tell you that Telegram, Gab, MeWe are platforms where you can learn truth about what’s really going on?
Who am I to tell you that you’ll need to spend time away from the narrative and look elsewhere to find the truth?
Who am I to tell you that you probably will be overwhelmed with anger and frustration when you learn the truth?
Who am I to tell you that following the flock is not belonging, it’s leaving oneself?
Who am I to tell you that I wonder why there is little to no room for a balanced debate?
Who am I to tell you that I wonder why the manufacturers have no lability?
Who am I to tell you that when governments need to keep something secret from citizens for 60 years that In itself is a sure sign that something very grave is going on?
Who am I to tell you that I am astonished and deeply grieved that this is called an ‘experiment’ and that governments are bulldozing on when they see millions of people of all ages dropping dead and/or inflicted serious injury?
Who am I to tell you that calling someone a ‘consipiracy theorist’ is most often used by the lazy and uninformed to end or dominate a discussion because they have done no homework on the subject?
Who am I to tell you that in the case of the pandemic, all conspiracies theories have manifested as truth and are now reality?
Who am I to tell you that I don’t care if this post gets likes as long as it’s read?
Who am I to tell you that being a ‘conspiracy theorist’ is using endless hours, year after year collecting information from all possible sources, applying critical thinking on the all available information, only to have people that only watch TV tell you that you are crazy?



Verdensledende kardiolog og epidemiolog Dr. Peter McCallough og virolog og epidemiolog Dr. Jessica Rose:
Stor rettssak på gang etter at forskningspapirer om C- vaksinen på barn ble fjernet fra database før “godkjenning”!
Advarer mot C-vaksinen på barn. Dette er dokumentert og publisert, men “noen” har fjernet det uten begrunnelse for å få igjennom eksperimentering på barn. Dette har aldri tidligere skjedd på et så høyt akademisk nivå. Dette er virkelig et djevelsk spill.
Bruk 5 min av din tid, og det kan redde barnet ditt!
Hun sier hun er redd for å ytre seg – men hun gjør det. Takk Elisabeth. Vi etterlyser flere leger som deg.

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