The Metaphysical Way

Gillian Godtfredsen's SOULVIBE
The Law of Rhythm (with video)
The metaphor for the Law of Rhythm is the pendulum. When it swings in one direction it is then prepared to swing in the other. For every high there will be a low. The key to coping with the…
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The Law of Cause and Effect
Nothing occurs by chance or outside the Law of Cause and Effect. When we have not developed spiritual awareness we remain trapped in separating behaviours which inhibit our growth, we are controlled by the wills of others, we lack…
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The Law of Vibration (with video)
Light, heat, magnetism, electricity and sound are all forms of vibration, just as flowers, animals, trees and humans. Vibrational frequency is the number of oscillations or waves per unit of time. No two things in the universe are truly identical.…
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The Metaphysical Laws (with video)
The power that comes from understanding The Metaphysical Laws (aka Universal Laws and Spiritual Laws) and their application is immense. The basic precept is that the Mind is the all. When we understand and accept that when the Mind is…
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